Date: 07/23/2010

Tour Desk Sales and End-of Year Fund Balance


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01:41 PM -- Tour Desk Sales and End-of Year Fund Balance

Betsy Holdredge, Legislative Council Staff, came to the table to report on the end-of-year balance of the Project Gold Fund. She provided a handout containing information about the fund balance and the items sold at the tour desk (Attachment B). She noted that the end-of-year fund balance is $16,729.58. Ms. Holdredge referred the committee to page 3 of the handout, which shows the number of each item sold and the amount of those sales. Ms. Contiguglia explained that as the chair of the committee, she is empowered to approve reordering of items. She thanked the staff for their work on the inventory. Ms. Holdredge also reminded the committee that the price of the Mile High Marker had been raised to $40 and reported that it is still selling well. Ms. Contiguglia commented on the lack of overhead expenses for the gift shop operation and explained that there is a large internal market for the items for sale.

Attachment B.pdf

Ms. Contiguglia asked for an update on the gift shop subcommittee that was formed pursuant to a request from Representative Amy Stephens. Jennifer Thomsen, Legislative Council Staff, explained that the subcommittee has not yet met and said Ms. Eddins might be able to provide an update at the next committee meeting.