Date: 01/27/2010

BILL SUMMARY for HB10-1060


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

09:36 AM -- House Bill 10-1021

Representative Frangas called

09:37 AM

Kristen Forrestal, OLLS, walked the committee through a number of options.

09:37 AM

Senator Foster asked about the third option and whether a couple buys a policy and shortly after gets pregnant. Now must wait 6 months. Kris said you would be covered when you obtain the policy. She asked about buying a policy when 3 months pregnant. Kris said you would not be covered for 6 months. First, laid off, pregnant get coverage, . Kris explained that the 6 month is the most lenient. One is 6 month, one is 12 month, and one is a pre-existing condition. Representative Swalm and Senator Foster discussed pregnancy riders if you are pregnant. Senator Boyd suggested having a draft of 3 months.

09:46 AM

Representative Frangas talked about including prenatal care. Representative Swalm gave an example of an oil and gas? company that is male dominated. He talked about the fact that the recession has disproportionately fallen on men. Best option is COBRA although expensive, it is the best option. He talked about the effects adding maternity would have on the cost of health insurance. He suggested minimizing the expenses that will be shifted to employers. Representative Swalm talked about the denials resulting from pre-existing conditions. Senator Foster talked about the individual market and said once this is included and cannot be denied, it will collapse the individual market into the large group market with the same type of qualifications under a large group market.