Date: 12/01/2010

Fort Lewis College FY 2011-12 Capital Requests


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10:47 AM -- Fort Lewis College FY 2011-12 Capital Requests

Dr. Dene Kay Thomas, President, and Mr. Steven Schwartz, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Fort Lewis College, presented the college's FY 2011-12 capital requests. Committee members received two handouts summarizing Dr. Thomas' presentation (Attachments C and D). Dr. Thomas made some introductory comments and described the high caliber of the college's faculty. She also invited the committee to visit the campus during the next legislative interim. She next discussed enrollment trends. Mr. Schwartz gave an overview of the FY 2011-12 capital requests. He also walked the committee through the college's five-year projection of need for state funds. Mr. Schwartz addressed a question about the priority order of the projects listed on the five-year projection of state need.


11:00 AM

Ms. Donaldson addressed a question about required approvals for projects requested from cash and/or federal funds. Dr. Thomas responded to comments from Senator Bacon about a state-wide tour of higher education institutions she recently conducted. Dr. Thomas spoke about the importance of cooperating with other agencies and institutions to maximize spending for projects.