Date: 10/25/2010

Update on Capitol Dome Fund Raising


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10:26 AM -- Update on Capitol Dome Fund Raising

Mr. Jim Hare, Colorado Preservation, Inc., provided an update on the time line for the Share in the Care Capitol dome fund-raising campaign. Committee members received a written time line for the campaign (Attachment H), and a proposal for a fund drive in Colorado schools (Attachment I), both prepared by Colorado Preservation, Inc. Mr. Hare discussed upcoming presentations that he will be making to prospective donors, and other fund-raising developments. Discussion ensued regarding potential sponsorship of the campaign by State Bill Colorado, and the need for the committee to approve the sponsorship. Mr. Hare returned to briefing the committee on fund-raising developments.


10:36 AM

Mr. Hare responded to questions regarding the timing involved in notifying the public of the Share in the Care campaign, and how the proposal by the Colorado Education Association was conceived. Discussion ensued regarding the ramifications of involving the Colorado Education Association in the Share in the Care campaign.

10:46 AM

Discussion continued regarding the ramifications of including the Colorado Education Association in dome fund-raising. Discussion followed regarding other philanthropic partnerships with corporate entities. Mr. Hare responded to questions regarding the Share in the Care sponsorship levels available to potential donors, and the costs associated with each level. Discussion ensued regarding the benefits associated with each sponsorship level.