Date: 09/01/2010

Witness Testimony Prop 101 Amendment 60 and 61


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10:28 AM -- Witness Testimony Prop 101 Amendment 60 and 61

10:28 AM --
Doug Campbell, representing himself and in support of Natalie Menten's suggested changes provided in the notebook, testified on the measures. He distributed a handout on the measures (Attachment B). Mr. Campbell objected to presenting the full impact of each measure in today's dollars because the measures are phased in over time. He continued his comments on the analysis, stating that the bullets in the beginning of the analysis should reflect the order in which the measure is written. He also expressed concern about Table 1 in the Proposition 101 analysis, stating that he believes it is confusing. He remarked on the length of the analysis, given that the measure itself is 250 words, he believes 12 pages is excessive. He also discussed the use of the word "effect" versus "impact." He suggested evening out the length of the arguments on both sides.


10:44 AM

Mr. Campbell next addressed the analysis of Amendment 60, suggesting that the arguments on both sides be of equal length and to delete most of the first paragraph of the analysis.

10:48 AM

Mr. Campbell last addressed the analysis of Amendment 61, suggesting the deletion of certain examples and Tables 1 and 2.

10:50 AM

In response to Mr. Campbell's testimony, Representative Stephens suggested placing the section discussing the interaction of the three measures in the back of the Blue Book rather than within each analysis. Mr. Campbell added that the combined impact only takes into account if all three measures pass and said there are nine possible combinations of what may happen. Representative Stephens stated that there is value in looking at all three passing, but suggested the combined impact be placed at the end of the blue book. Senator Kopp commented on the length of the arguments for and against. President Shaffer asked whether Mr. Campbell has information on population increases along with his data on government growth.

10:57 AM --
Mike Johnson and Dan Lynch, representing Kutak Rock, commented on the Amendment 61 analysis. Mr. Johnson addressed the language in the analysis regarding the effect of the measure on urban renewal authorities (page 5, lines 31 - 34) and conduit financing entities (page 3, lines 17 - 18). He recommended that these references be deleted.

11:06 AM

Representative May asked for clarification on their testimony. Mr. Lynch said Amendment 61 uses terms defined by the courts and Mr. Johnson asked that the Blue Book be silent on those issues that have been addressed by the courts. Representative Weissmann stated that since the measure is a constitutional amendment, borrowing would include everything. A discussion ensued regarding the scope of the measure. Mr. Ward explained that they took a plain language reading of the measure that states "shall not borrow".