Date: 07/23/2010

State Symbols and Emblems Brochure


Votes: View--> Action Taken:
Moved that 100,000 copies of option B be ordered wPass Without Objection

01:48 PM -- State Symbols and Emblems Brochure

Kevin Scott and Edna Pelzmann came to the table to talk to the committee about the Colorado State Symbols and Emblems brochure. Mr. Scott explained that two symbols adopted by the General Assembly - winter sports (skiing and snowboarding) and the state reptile (the western painted turtle) - need to be added to the brochure.

Ms. Pelzmann said the tour desk has depleted their inventory of the brochures. She explained to whom the brochures are distributed, saying school teachers and children are the main audience. She said the new symbols were added in 2008 and need to be added to the brochure.

In response to a question from Ms. Contiguglia, Ms. Pelzmann said 75,000 brochures were printed in the last run, and she said they lasted about 18 months. Ms. Contiguglia asked if the tour guides get written requests from school teachers for the brochures. Ms. Pelzmann explained that the brochures are only distributed to students who visit the Capitol. Ms. Contiguglia suggested the emblems be put on the website.

01:53 PM

Mr. Scott displayed two rough draft options for a new brochure and noted that the artist, Thom Buchanan, is available to do the illustrations of the new symbols. He first discussed option A, which would be 13 x 19 inches. He provided some cost estimates for printing, saying that, in addition to about $750 for illustrations and design, a printing of 50,000 of the larger brochure would cost $5,100, while 100,000 would cost $8,600. He said that for recycled paper, the cost would be $50 more for 50,000 and $100 more for 100,000. Ms. Sill asked whether the project had been shopped around to different printers. Mr. Scott said the original printer of the brochure has gone out of business, and the prices he provided to the committee were from a printer he uses in his capacity with the City and County of Denver.

The committee discussed the addition of the new winter sports symbol. Mr. Nichols suggested a printable PDF version of the brochure be created for schools. Mr. Scott discussed another smaller option, option B, saying printing would cost $4,450 for 50,000 or $6,900 for 100,000. Option B is 8.5 x 22 inches, folded to 5.5 x 8.5 inches. The committee discussed how school classes get the brochures, with Ms. Pelzmann explaining that the brochures are not mailed, rather classes pick them up at the tour desk when they arrive at the Capitol.

01:59 PM

Ms. Sill asked for further clarification of the cost and whether it would be more cost effective to order a larger number of brochures. Ms. Pelzmann said she would be concerned that the brochures would quickly be outdated if the inventory was too large. Mr. Lee asked whether Integrated Document Services (IDS) in the Department of Personnel and Administration had been considered for printing the brochure and suggested IDS be considered as it may offer a better price.

Mr. Hite suggested selling the symbols publication as a poster. Ms. Contiguglia asked Ms. Pelzmann to do a straw poll to find out whether teachers would buy a poster.

Ms. Contiguglia said she prefers option B.

02:03 PM

Mr. Weingardt asked about moneys available to design and print the brochure. Ms. Contiguglia explained that the brochure is paid out of the committee's fund - the Project Gold Fund. The committee discussed how many brochures should be ordered. Ms. Pelzmann recommended that 100,000 be ordered.

Mr. Hite asked who would write the text. Ms. Pelzmann said visitor services staff would work with Ms. Holdredge on the text.

Mr. Nichols suggested that the committee recommend 100,000 copies of the the smaller brochure (option B). Ms. Contiguglia suggested that the committee set a ceiling on price and allow Mr. Scott to shop around for the best price. Ms. Nunnally suggested a ceiling of $8,000.
BILL:State Symbols and Emblems Brochure
TIME: 02:06:28 PM
MOTION:Moved that 100,000 copies of option B be ordered with a price ceiling of $8,000. The motion passed without objection.
Final YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 4 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection

02:08 PM

Ms. Contiguglia asked Mr. Scott to report back with a price from IDS.