

Time:08:03 AM to 08:35 AM
Place:SCR 356
This Meeting was called to order by
Senator Bacon
This Report was prepared by
Kori Donaldson
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Discussion About Fundraising for State Capitol Dome RestorationWitness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

08:03 AM -- Fundraising Proposal for State Capitol Dome Restoration Project

The committee was called to order. A quorum was present. Mr. James Hare, Executive Director, Colorado Preservation, Inc. (CPI), and Mr. Larry Friedberg, State Architect, Department of Personnel and Administration, presented a proposal to allow CPI to spearhead a statewide fundraising effort on behalf of the State Capitol dome renovation project. Committee members received a summary of the fund raising proposal, prepared by CPI (Attachment A), and a draft resolution concerning fund raising for the State Capitol dome, prepared by the Capstone Group, LLC. (Attachment B). Mr. Hare explained that the proposed fund raising effort will include a cause-marketing approach and that CPI has hired Creative Strategies Group to design the fund raising campaign.


Senator Kopp expressed his reservations about fund raising for the State Capitol dome renovation project. He said that it is the state's obligation to maintain the building. Mr. Hare responded to Senator Kopp's concerns and said that he agrees that it is the responsibility of state to maintain the State Capitol building. Mr. Hare added that he disagrees that moneys from the State Historical Fund should be used instead for the project since these funds are both limited and meant for historical preservation efforts statewide. Mr. Hare further explained that the deterioration in the State Capitol dome is getting worse and that he would applaud any effort that found money for the dome restoration and protected the State Historical Fund.

08:14 AM

In response to committee discussion about the proposed source of funds for the project, Mr. Friedberg said he is open to the use of alternate funding for the restoration project. Representative Riesberg spoke about the appropriateness of fund raising for the project, the limited resources available to the state for capital projects, and the life safety upgrades made in the State Capitol building in recent years. He also gave examples of other publicly funded projects, like toll roads. Senator Bacon suggested that the committee should have some oversight of cause-marketing proposals in order to vet the tastefulness of these proposals. Representative Riesberg provided a brief history of CPI's involvement in fund raising for the project. Committee discussion ensued about the importance of funding repairs for the State Capitol dome and the role of the committee in reviewing cause-marketing proposals.

Mr. Jeremiah Barry, Office of Legislative Legal Services, came to table to discuss drafting a resolution concerning fund raising for the State Capitol dome restoration project. In response to a question, Mr. Barry said the committee could choose to run a resolution or a bill. Discussion ensued about what committee(s) and/or individuals should be involved in reviewing cause-marketing proposals.

08:32 AM

Mr. Hare told the committee that CPI will be happy with whatever review structure is selected, and explained that it is CPI's intention to present all fund raising ideas and updates to both the Capitol Building Advisory Committee and the Capital Development Committee. Discussion returned to drafting a resolution concerning fund raising for the dome restoration project. Mr. Barry agreed to prepare a draft for the committee's March 25, 2010, meeting.

08:35 AM

The committee adjourned.