Date: 02/04/2010

BILL SUMMARY for HB10-1001


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

11:35 AM -- House Bill 10-1001

Representative Tyler, prime sponsor of House bill 10-1001, discussed the merits of the bill. Copies of Amendments L.002 and L.010 were provided to the committee (Attachments C and D). Representative McNulty and Representative Baumgardner objected to receiving amendments to "strike everything below the enacting clause" without 24 hours notice. Representative Fischer stated that he had received amendment copies yesterday. Representative Tyler explained the goals of the bill. The bill would create incentives for the installation of new distributed renewable energy generation facilities.

10HseTran0204AttachC.pdf 10HseTran0204AttachD.pdf

11:47 AM

Governor Bill Ritter, State of Colorado, testified in support of the bill. Governor Ritter acknowledged individuals and stakeholders who have worked to encourage renewable energy development in Colorado. He responded to questions from committee members. Representative McNulty asked about Amendment L.002 and its provisions regarding worker certification requirements.

11:57 AM

Representative McNulty stated workforce concerns related to the bill. Governor Ritter discussed renewable energy growth and job creation, specifically in the area of solar energy. Representative Looper asked about the bill's impact on electrical contractors. Representative Baumgardner asked Governor Ritter to comment on clean coal technology.

12:07 PM

Representative Vaad asked for additional information on solar roof panels. Governor Ritter discussed the importance of solar energy to reduce global warming. Representative Baumgardner stated concerns regarding job losses in traditional energy industries. Governor Ritter discussed carbon emissions and related impact on energy production. Representative King asked the Governor to comment on other environmental challenges. Representative McFadyen thanked Governor Ritter for testifying before the committee.

12:16 PM --
Ms. Paula Connelly, representing Xcel Energy, testified regarding the bill. Representative McNulty asked Ms. Connelly to comment on stakeholders that participated in development of the bill.

12:27 PM

Ms. Connelly provided background to the committee on each of the sections of the bill. Ms. Connelly responded to questions from committee members. The bill contains a requirement for allocation of expenditures derived from customer groups.

12:38 PM

Ms. Connelly responded to questions from committee members. Representative McNulty asked about the bill's focus on solar energy. He further asked Representative Tyler to comment on the drafting of the bill. Representative McNulty expressed concerns about the consequences of the bill and its development during the drafting process.

12:48 PM

Representative King asked if the Colorado Oil and Gas Association has been involved in the drafting of the bill or if its representatives were kept in contact regarding its development. Representative Looper expressed concerns regarding energy costs and asked Ms. Connelly to comment on the bill's costs to the public. Representative Looper also stated concerns for families receiving low energy assistance.

12:56 PM --
Mr. Sol Shapiro, representing himself, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Shapiro discussed the impact of energy costs upon consumers. A copy of his testimony was provided to the committee (Attachment E).


01:01 PM

The chair noted that Ms. Christine Shapard, Colorado Cleantech Industry Association, had to leave the meeting prior to testifying. A copy of her testimony was provided to the committee (Attachment F).


01:06 PM

Mr. Shapiro responded to questions from committee members. Representative Vaad discussed proposed amendments to the bill. He asked Mr. Shapiro to comment on the economic feasibility of equipping residences with solar panels.

01:13 PM

Mr. Rich Fanyo, representing himself, testified regarding the bill. Mr. Fanyo discussed the bill's impact on private industry. He further discussed energy utility rates related to traditional and renewable energy generation.

01:23 PM

Representative McNulty asked Mr. Fanyo to comment on potential rate changes for energy consumers.

01:28 PM

Ms. Jackie Sargent, representing Black Hills Corp., testified regarding the bill. Ms. Sargent expressed concerns in targeted renewable energy percentages and the subsequent impact upon rate payers. Ms. Sargent responded to questions from committee members. Representative Looper asked about customer impacts under the bill and the percentage of energy produced by Colorado utilities.

01:37 PM

Ms. Sargent discussed Black Hill Corp. solar facilities.

01:40 PM --
Mr. Stuart Sanderson, representing the Colorado Mining Association, testified regarding the bill. Mr. Sanderson stated that the Colorado Mining Association is supportive of renewable energy but is opposing the bill. He discussed the economic impact and expressed concerns that the bill favors one particular industry over others. Mr. Sanderson responded to questions from committee members.

01:51 PM

Representative Baumgardner asked Mr. Sanderson to comment on the affordability of coal for electricity generation. Representative Looper asked how coal companies are able to budget for the future given ongoing public policy changes.

01:58 PM

Representative McFadyen laid the bill over to February 5, 2010. The committee adjourned.