Date: 09/14/2009

Update from CoverColorado on Long-Term Funding Recommendations


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10:59 AM -- Update from CoverColorado on Long-Term Funding Recommendations

Barbara Crawford, attorney for CoverColorado, and Susan Bragg-Gamble, Executive Director, CoverColorado, introduced themselves. Ms. Bragg-Gamble explained that she spoke to the task force in August about the funding mechanism for CoverColorado, specifically whether funding from the Unclaimed Property Tax Fund would be sustainable in the future. She indicated to the committee that the board had received data indicating the Unclaimed Property Fund would be able to provide its share of funding for CoverColorado into fiscal year 2012. She stated that the board for CoverColorado recently met to discuss the funding mechanisms for the program. Ms. Bragg-Gamble stated that the board recommended to manage program costs which they hope will slow the expenditures for the program. Ms. Bragg-Gamble said that the board would like to establish a provider reimbursement schedule be based on Medicare reimbursement rates. She stated that the board felt that many providers would be open to the idea of a reimbursement schedule because they would get paid for some services for which they would otherwise not be paid. She also indicated that part of any agreement with a provider would be to prohibit balance billing.