Date: 08/18/2009

Department of Education


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01:51 PM -- Department of Education

Dr. Jeanette Cornier, Assistant Commissioner, and Ms. Dana Scott, Coordinator for the McKinney Vento Homeless Education Program., both of the Department of Education, briefed the task force on the poverty alleviation and economic opportunity programs administered by the department. Committee members received a packet of presentation slides (Attachment H), and the department's 2009 Forward Thinking Progress Report (Attachment I). Dr. Cornier first discussed the department's mission and goals. Dr. Cornier responded to questions regarding the need to remediate students at the post-secondary level when students are not ready for college.

090818AttachH.pdf 090818AttachI.pdf

02:01 PM

Dr. Cornier continued to brief the committee on the Department of Education's mission and goals, and how the department addresses poverty. Dr. Cornier responded to questions regarding how the department addresses students who are not meeting baseline scholastic requirements, and how individual schools are held accountable for lack of student performance. Discussion ensued regarding the options available for holding schools accountable.

02:11 PM

Discussion continued regarding school accountability for underachieving students, and the resources available to failing schools. Dr. Cornier responded to questions regarding flexibility at the federal level for addressing failing schools. Dr. Cornier then continued with the task force briefing, including a discussion of pending education reforms under the federal American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009. Discussion ensued regarding future plans for the state's alternative education campuses.

02:22 PM

Ms. Scott discussed particular poverty reduction-related programs administered by the Department of Education, including the Title 1, preschool, school nutrition, and McKinney Vento programs. Ms. Scott responded to questions regarding the ability to track successes in alleviating homelessness through the McKinney Vento Program, and the potential for tracking homeless students as they progress through the education system.

02:32 PM

Ms. Scott continued to brief the task force on department-administered programs and efforts, including dropout prevention, closing the achievement gap, the Expelled and At-risk Student Services Grant Program, and the School Counselor Corps Grant Program.