Date: 04/21/2009
Prioritization of Interim Study Committees
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<none> | <none> |
08:37 AM -- Prioritization of Interim Study Committees
President Groff, called the committee to order. The committee had been in recess since its previous meeting on Monday, April 20, 2009.
08:40 AM
The committee took a brief recess.
08:43 AM
The committee came back to order.
08:46 AM
The committee decided to allow each member to have three votes in the prioritization process. The committee voted by a show of hands as follows:
- SB 09-281: Worker Safety and Injury Compensation Study Group: 6 votes;
- HB 09-1064: Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force: 7 votes;
- HB 09-1343: Early Childhood and School Readiness Legislative Oversight Commission: 2 votes;
- HJR 09-1017: Interim Committee on Hospice and Palliative Care: 7 votes;
- HJR 09-1020: Interim Committee on School Finance: 9 votes;
- HJR 09-1025: Interim Committee on School Safety Issues: 0 votes;
- HJR 09-1026: Interim Committee on the Developmental Disability Waiting List: 0 votes; and
- A proposed, but not introduced Senate Joint Resolution to create an interim committee on state fiscal stability: 5 votes.
The committee decided to prioritize and fund the three studies that received the highest number of votes as follows:
- HJR 09-1020: Interim Committee on School Finance: 9 votes;
- HJR 09-1017: Interim Committee on Hospice and Palliative Care: 7 votes; and
- HB 09-1064: Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force: 7 votes.
08:47 AM
The committee adjourned.