Date: 03/16/2009

Report of the Election Reform Commission


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01:35 PM

Senator Williams, Chair, called the meeting to order.

01:35 PM -- Report of the Election Reform Commission

Bill Hobbs, Deputy Secretary of State, presented the final report of the Election Reform Commission. (The report may be viewed on the website of the Colorado General Assembly.) He commented on the creation of the commission and noted that the commission appointed three subcommittees in the course of its work. He spoke of the testimony that was provided to the commission, and commented on a recommendation to continue the commission's work in the future.

01:40 PM --
Ken Gordon, Chairman, Election Reform Commission, commented on the creation of the commission and decertification of voting equipment by the former Secretary of State. He commented on potential legislation to implement the commission's recommendations. He commented on the testing that resulted in decertification of voting machines in the past. He said that he is not overly concerned with the potential for "hacking" of election equipment.

01:51 PM --
Mr. Hobbs said that a variety of opinions relating to elections systems were heard by the commission. He said that the commission's recommendations reflect the breadth of testimony that was received. He commented on the cost of elections in Colorado. He commented on the management of potentially duplicate voter registrations by the Secretary of State's Office. He noted that some voters may have died, moved out of state, or have ceased voting, and yet remain on the voter rolls.

02:17 PM --
Mr. Gordon said that the commission, as originally structured, worked well and would make a good model for continuation of the work of the commission in the future. He said that the commission was given a great deal of work to do in a short time period. He noted that the members took the work of the commission very seriously and attended the commission's meetings religiously. He commented on the commission's recommendations regarding the use of paper ballots in elections. Senator Cadman commented on the potential continuation of the commission and its work. Senator Williams read the names of the commission members and thanked them for their service.