Date: 04/15/2009

BILL SUMMARY for HB09-1282


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

12:08 PM -- House Bill 09-1282

Senator Schwartz introduced House Bill 09-1282. The bill creates the Electronic Device Recycling Task Force to discuss ways to increase diversion rates for electronic devices, promote nontoxic electronic design, create jobs in connection with recycling electronic waste, and build on the existing infrastructure that diverts electronic waste. She distributed amendment L.004 (Attachment F) and a fact sheet concerning the bill (Attachment G) to the committee .

12:17 PM --
Mike Wright, representing Guaranteed Recycling Experts, testified that several states have passed legislation relating to electronics device recycling, but that there have been some unintended consequences with that legislation. He responded to questions from Senator Boyd regarding the size of the task force. Mr. Wright responded to additional questions from Senator Tochtrop regarding whether the bill will create additional jobs. He responded to additional questions from Senator Lundberg regarding whether there are currently bans on the disposal of electronic devices in landfills.

12:32 PM --
Dan Matsch, representing Eco-Cycle, testified that vetting issues through a task force will allow for the creation of legislation on electronics device recycling. He stated that in a year, more information will be available about what works and what doesn't. He responded to committee comments regarding the size of the task force.

12:36 PM --
Marjorie Griek, representing the Colorado Association for Recycling, distributed a letter of support for the bill (Attachment H). She responded to previous committee questions regarding the task force's charge to study a ban on electronic waste in landfills. She responded to questions from Senator Newell.

12:40 PM

Senator Schwartz gave concluding remarks regarding the bill. The bill was laid over.