Date: 04/02/2009

Review of Funding Levels Under HB09-1101


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

01:36 PM -- Review of funding levels for the Developmental Disabilities Services Cash Fund pursuant to House Bill 08-1101

Representative Riesberg called the meeting to order. Pursuant to House Bill 08-1101, the Joint Senate and House Health and Human Services Committee and the Joint Budget Committee convened to review the status of the waiting list for services for individuals with developmental disabilities.

01:40 PM -- Christine Thomas, Department of Human Services, spoke to committee regarding the waiting list for services for individuals with developmental disabilities. Ms. Thomas spoke to a memorandum provided by the department with regard to the waiting list for services (Attachment A). Ms. Thomas responded to committee questions regarding whether the waiting list for services has decreased, the current number of individuals on the waiting list, and the level of funding that would be required to eliminate the waiting list for services for individuals with developmental disabilities. There was discussion regarding the definition of "developmental disability." Ms. Thomas stated that the definition is in statute as well as within rule.


01:48 PM --
Amanda Bickle, Joint Budget Committee Staff, spoke to the funding levels needed to eliminate the waiting list for services for individuals with developmental disabilities. A memorandum from the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) with recommendations for FY 2009-10 funding for services for people with developmental disabilities was distributed to members of the committee (Attachment B). She stated that there is no General Fund increase available for FY 2009-10; instead, there is a decrease in General Funds. She stated that because of the decrease in funding, there is no appropriation available to transfer into the Developmental Disabilities Cash Fund. Ms. Bickle responded to committee questions regarding recommendations made by the JBC with regard to the waiting list.


02:00 PM --
Marijo Rymer, Executive Director, Arc of Colorado, spoke to the status of the waiting list for services for people with developmental disabilities. Ms. Rymer spoke to the failed ballot initiative that would have raised the sales and use tax to fund services for individuals with developmental disabilities. She reiterated that the waiting list is growing. She provided data to the committee that approximately 9,000 people with developmental disabilities have care givers that are over the age of 60. Ms. Rymer urged the committee to consider a realistic plan that would address the waiting list for services. She spoke to an ad hoc committee of stakeholders that is preparing to release recommendations regarding the definition of 'developmental disability.'

02:12 PM --
Roger Jensen, Fremont County, Alliance, spoke to the status of the waiting list for services for individuals with developmental disabilities. A handout regarding the waiting list for services was provided to the committee (Attachment C). Mr. Jensen asked the committee when state revenue increases to consider an action plan that has been developed by Alliance. He stated that the action plan would address the waiting list and provide funding over several years.


02:19 PM --
Representative Pommer commented that in order to increase funding, something else would have to be cut from the budget. Committee members commented on the waiting list for services. There was discussion regarding the Medicaid buy-in program, which is included in House Bill 09-1293.

02:27 PM

Representative Riesberg spoke to the requirements under House Bill 08-1101. He stated that the committee met its obligation required under the bill.