Date: 01/16/2009
Discussion of DVD Sales
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02:34 PM -- Discussion of DVD Sales
Simon Maghakyan and Betsy Holdredge of Legislative Council Staff came to the table to talk about the possibility of offering for sale to the public the DVD containing a tour of the dome and Mr. Brown's Attic.
Mr. Nichols explained that $600 would purchase 1,000 DVDs that could be offered for sale. At this price, he said, the DVDs would be offered in an envelope or shrink-wrap. For $1,200, he said, 1,000 DVDs in nicer packaging could be purchased.
Mr. Maghakyan explained that there are currently seven items offered for sale to the public in the gift shop area. He said has been approached about several items, but has not brought them to the committee due to budget concerns. Mr. Maghakyan said the gift shop normally keeps on hand 30 copies of items offered for sale, and said they would not want to start with 1,000. He said he had received only one inquiry from a member of the public about purchasing a DVD.
The committee discussed whether fewer DVDs could be ordered to start, agreeing that the current proposal of 1,000 DVDs does not make sense. Ms. Holdredge explained how memorabilia items are funded.
The committee discussed whether the DVDs could be created on-demand in house. Ms. Contiguglia asked Ms. Holdredge and Mr. Maghakyan to discuss the options for creating the DVD and come back to the committee at a later date to let the committee know whether they are interested in proceeding with the project.
02:43 PM
Mr. Hite asked for information about the video of the tour of the building. Mr. Pelzmann said the closed captioning on the video stopped working about three years ago and said she hoped the problem could be resolved so the video could be used in the future.
The committee discussed the closed captioning on the video of Mr. Brown's Attic. Theresa Holst, Dome Tour Supervisor, described the video, saying it satisfies most of the ADA requirement, but the television cannot display the closed captioning because it is not connected to cable. The committee talked about possible ways to address the issue with the equipment on hand.