Date: 07/29/2009

Fiscal Stability and the Environment


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

12:23 PM -- Presentations on Fiscal Stability and the Environment

Keith Hay, Environment Colorado, discussed environmental quality and its relationship to economic opportunity. He provided information on the new energy economy including job creation and investment amounts in the sector.

Becky Long, Colorado Environmental Coalition, discussed water issues in Colorado as an example of the challenges facing environmental conservation and sustainability. She discussed the Colorado Conservation Board, it's mission, and projects. She also indicated that long-term stable funding will be necessary to keep conservation and environmental programs running. She described the current challenges facing the funding of water projects and connections between state programs and environmental concerns. Specifically, she mentioned transportation and its effect on greenhouse gases. A copy of Ms. Long and Mr. Hay's presentation is provided as Attachment I.


12:34 PM

Mr. Hay described the importance of a healthy environment in attracting others to the state. He responded to commission member Jonathan Coors question regarding tax credits for the new energy economy, indicating that he would provide a list of credits to commissioners. Responding to Mr. Hume's question regarding a lack of a cohesive message from environmental conservation groups on certain issues, he acknowledged that there are differences in opinions and mentioned recent efforts of environmental groups seeking to build relationships with the business community.