| Date | | | In Use By | Begin | End | Status | |
| 02/25/2009 | |
| 02/19/2009 | |
| 02/18/2009 | |
| 02/12/2009 | |
| 02/11/2009 | |
| 02/05/2009 | |
| Conf 09-Fort Lewis College | |
| Conf 09-Read-to-Achieve Board | |
| SB09-090 | |
| | | Comm Summary | | 01:34 PM | 04:49 PM | Final | |
| | | Bill Summary | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved amendment L.003 (Attachment D). The motion passed without objection. | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved amendment L.002 (Attachment C). The motion passed without objection. | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved amendment L.001 (Attachment F), as amended. The motion passed without objection. | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved amendment L.004 (Attachment E). The motion passed without objection. | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved an amendment to amendment L.001. Page 5, line 8 strike "OR OF THE DISTRICT ACCOUNTABILITY COMMITTEE" and on line 9 strike "COMMITTEE." and substitute "COMMITTEE AND THE DISTRICT ACCOUNTABILITY COMMITTEE MAY SERVE AS A SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY COMMITTEE.". The motion passed without objection. | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved an amendment to amendment L.001. Page 5, line 3 strike "MEMBERS OF THE" and on line 5, strike "MEMBERS OF". The motion passed without objection. | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved an amendment to amendment L.001. Page 4, line 7, strike "THE SCHOOL DISTRICT"; strike lines 8 through 10; on line 18, strike "THE SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD"; and strike lines 19 and 20. The motion passed without objection. | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved an amendment to amendment L.001. Strike lines 10 through 23 on page 5 of the amendment, and substitute language striking Section 6 and Section 8 of the bill. The motion passed without objection. | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved an amendment to amendment L.001. The proposed amendment would strike section 7 of the bill. After further discussion and agreement that this amendment should be made to the bill rather than the amendment, the motion was WITHDRAWN. | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved an amendment to remove from the bill provisions allowing an appropriation from the State Education Fund. The motion failed on a 3-5 vote. | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved an amendment striking Section 7 of the bill. The motion passed without objection. | | | | Final | |
| | | FINAL VOTE - Refer Senate Bill 09-090, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. The motion passed on a 6-2 vote. | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved an amendment to fill in the bill number throughout where there are blanks. The motion passed without objection. | | | | Final | |
| 02/04/2009 | |
| 01/29/2009 | |
| 01/28/2009 | |
| 01/22/2009 | |
| 01/21/2009 | |
| 01/15/2009 | |