| Date | | | In Use By | Begin | End | Status | |
| 02/18/2009 | |
| SB09-166 | |
| | | Comm Summary | | 04:24 PM | 09:00 PM | Final | |
| | | Bill Summary | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved to refer Senate Bill 09-166, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. The motion failed on a 1-6 roll call vote. | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved prepared Amendment L.002 (Attachment E). The motion passed without objection. | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved a conceptual amendment to match the gift ban portion of the bill, Section 12-22-903, to pending federal legislation concerning gift bans. The motion was ruled out of order by the chair, and no vote was taken. | | | | Final | |
| | | FINAL VOTE - Moved to postpone Senate Bill 09-166 indefinitely using a reversal of the previous roll call. There was no objection to the use of the reverse roll call, therefore, the motion to postpone Senate Bill 09-166 indefinitely passed on a 6-1 roll call vote. | | | | Final | |
| SB09-172 | |
| | | Comm Summary | | 04:24 PM | 09:00 PM | Final | |
| | | Bill Summary | | | | Final | |
| | | FINAL VOTE - Moved to postpone Senate Bill 09-172 indefinitely. The motion passed on a 5-0 roll call vote, with two members excused. | | | | Final | |
| SB09-173 | |
| | | Comm Summary | | 04:24 PM | 09:00 PM | Final | |
| | | Bill Summary | | | | Final | |
| | | FINAL VOTE - Moved to refer Senate Bill 09-173 to the Committee of the Whole. The motion passed on a 6-1 roll call vote. | | | | Final | |
| | | Moved prepared Amendment L.001 (Attachment F). The motion failed on a 3-4 roll call vote. | | | | Final | |
| SB09-178 | |
| | | Comm Summary | | 04:24 PM | 09:00 PM | Final | |
| | | Bill Summary | | | | Final | |
| | | FINAL VOTE - Moved to refer Senate Bill 09-178 to the Committee on Appropriations. The motion passed on a 7-0 roll call vote. | | | | Final | |
| SB09-223 | |
| | | Comm Summary | | 04:24 PM | 09:00 PM | Final | |
| | | Bill Summary | | | | Final | |
| | | FINAL VOTE - Moved to refer Senate Bill 09-223 to the Committee on Appropriations. The motion passed on a 4-3 roll call vote. | | | | Final | |
| 02/11/2009 | |
| Conf 09-Board of Real Estate Appraisers | |
| | | Comm Summary | | 01:36 PM | 05:52 PM | Final | |
| | | Bill Summary | | | | Final | |
| | | FINAL VOTE - Moved to refer the appointments of Thomas L. Fellows, Frank R. Beltran, and Leslie Mitchell to the Board of Real Estate Appraisers to the full Senate with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed on an 7-0 roll call vote. | | | | Final | |