DateIn Use ByBeginEndStatus
Hide details for SB09-056SB09-056
Comm Summary07:30 AM08:25 AMFinal
Bill Summary Final
FINAL VOTE - COW as amendedFinal
Hide details for SB09-081SB09-081
Comm Summary07:30 AM08:25 AMFinal
Bill Summary Final
Hide details for SB09-095SB09-095
Comm Summary07:30 AM08:25 AMFinal
Bill Summary Final
Conceptual amendment: Dept of Transportation shall implement within existing resources.Final
FINAL VOTE - COW as amendedFinal
Hide details for SB09-128SB09-128
Comm Summary07:30 AM08:25 AMFinal
Bill Summary Final
FINAL VOTE - COW as amendedFinal
Hide details for SB09-144SB09-144
Comm Summary07:30 AM08:25 AMFinal
Bill Summary Final
FINAL VOTE - COW as amendedFinal
Hide details for SB09-158SB09-158
Comm Summary07:30 AM08:25 AMFinal
Bill Summary Final
FINAL VOTE - COW as amendedFinal
J.001 amended as follows: strike the GF portion of the amendment to eliminate any GF funding possibility from the bill. Amend bill to add that no GF shall be used in the future for the program. Final