DateIn Use ByBeginEndStatus
FINAL VOTE - Approve the waiver request for the Repair Waste Water Treatment Plant and Water Storage Tank, Fort Lyon Correctional Facility project ($540,486 CCF). The motion passed on a 4-0-2 vote. (Attachment J)Final
Hide details for DOW -- Real Property TransactionsDOW -- Real Property Transactions
Comm Summary09:09 AM02:49 PMFinal
Bill Summary Final
FINAL VOTE - Recommend support for the donation of the Bar Nothing Ranch Perpetual Conservation Easement (500 acres). The motion passed on a 5-0-1 vote. (Attachment H)Final
FINAL VOTE - Recommend support for the donation of the Flying Diamond Ranch Perpetual Conservation Easement (540 acres). The motion passed on a 5-0-1 vote. (Attachment G)Final
Hide details for DOW -- Supplemental RequestDOW -- Supplemental Request
Comm Summary09:09 AM02:49 PMFinal
Bill Summary Final
FINAL VOTE - Approve the supplemental request to amend House Bill 08-1375 to show that, for this project, $361,000 CF comes from the Wildlife Cash Fund and $200,000 CF comes from the Wildlife Management Public Education Fund. The motion passed on a 3-2-1 vote. (Attachment F)Final
Hide details for DPA -- Real Property TransactionsDPA -- Real Property Transactions
Comm Summary09:09 AM02:49 PMFinal
Bill Summary Final
FINAL VOTE - Recommend support for the acquisition, through lease-purchase, of a building at 2 Jetway Court in Pueblo for use by the department's Integrated Document Solutions operations. The motion passed on a 5-0-1 vote. (Attachment L)Final
FINAL VOTE - Recommend support for the acquisition of 350 West Carr Avenue to serve as the Cripple Creek field office for the Department of Revenue, Division of Gaming, and the Colorado State Patrol. The motion passed on a 5-0-1 vote. (Attachment K)Final
Hide details for Election of Chair / Vice ChairElection of Chair / Vice Chair
Comm Summary09:09 AM02:49 PMFinal
Bill Summary Final
FINAL VOTE - Elect Senator Bacon to serve as vice-chairman of the committee. The motion passed on a 4-0-2 vote.Final
FINAL VOTE - Elect Representative Riesberg to serve as chairman of the committee. The motion passed on a 4-0-2 vote.Final
Hide details for OSPB -- FY 2009-10 Capital RecommendationsOSPB -- FY 2009-10 Capital Recommendations
Comm Summary09:09 AM02:49 PMFinal
Bill Summary Final
Hide details for Other BusinessOther Business
Comm Summary09:09 AM02:49 PMFinal
Bill Summary Final
Hide details for Parks -- Real Property TransactionParks -- Real Property Transaction
Comm Summary09:09 AM02:49 PMFinal
Bill Summary Final
FINAL VOTE - Recommend support for the exchange of the 15 Road Refinery property for the Smith property (3 acres), Fuoco property (5.5 acres), and $134,000 from the city of Fruita. The motion passed unanimously. (Attachment P)Final