Date: 01/14/2008

BILL SUMMARY for HB08-1024


Votes: View--> Action Taken:
Moved House Bill 08-1024 to the Committee of the WPASS

01:33 PM -- Call to Order

The chairman, Representative Merrifield, called the meeting to order. Representative Merrifield shared with the committee that he spen the spring and fall visiting schools across the state and was inspired to see that children all across Colorado have access to the best education possible. He also extended his thanks to teachers across Colorado for their dedication to teaching and to the members of the committee for their committment to the children of Colorado. Representative Merrifield reviewed the welcome packets for the committee members, and reminded the members that the Joint House and Senate Education Committee will hold Wednesday morning meetings again this session. He also welcomed the committee's newest member, Representative Witwer. Representative Merrifield announced that House Bill 08-1027, originally scheduled to be heard today, has been postponed for another meeting.

01:39 PM -- House Bill 08-1024

Representative Merrifield, prime sponsor, reviewed the provisions of House Bill 08-1024, concerning the CSAP longitudinal analysis statistical model. Representative Merrifield explained that the bill strikes the requirement that the longitudinal student growth model be a mixed-effect model. The new model allows the Colorado Department of Education to adopt a simpler model that has been recommended by the Governor, and it makes the data more meaningful for parents, teachers, and legislators. Representative Merrifield said that he would ask Dr. Turner to answer the questions of the committee.

01:42 PM --
Dr. Ken Turner, Deputy Commissioner, Colorado Department of Education (CDE), testified in support of the bill, on behalf of CDE and the Colorado State Board of Education. Dr. Turner stated that the longitudinal growth model is an important part of CDE's accountability package. Dr. Turner said that the rationale for this clean up language is to enable the technical advisory panel and CDE to revise the longitudinal model in a timely manner, and in accordance with the law. Dr. Turner expects that the technical advisory panel will present its recommendation to revise the growth model to the state board next month; adoption of the new model should occur in April, and will be put into use in the upcoming school year. Representative Rose stated that it appears that this bill strips the state board of his rule making authority. Dr. Turner replied that it does not strip the powers of the board, but just clarifies that the board will have more flexibility in choosing a statistical model for longitudinal analysis.

01:46 PM

Representative Rose asked additional questions as to whether striking language could make it hard for the state board to adopt emergency rules. Dr. Turner replied that the intent of the language is to give the state board more flexibility in choosing a less complicated model, and that the state board is required to adopt an emergency rule so that the new model can be put into place in a timely manner. Dr. Turner explained both the normal process for adopting rules and then the emergency rule adoption process. Rep. Rose asked about the removal of the language referring to linear and statistical models in Page 3, lines 5 - 6. Dr. Turner replied that it was the intent of the bill to remove that language in order to simplfy the statistical model, as recommended by the technical advisory panel. Representative Merrifield also added that the state board is aware of the bill.

01:49 PM

Representative C. Gardner clarified that striking this language does not take away the ability of the state board to adopt the more complicated model, but allows them more flexibility. Representative Summers asked Dr. Turner why the mixed effect model was included originally. Dr. Turner replied that at that time, it was considered the most appropriate model, and that the work of the technical advisory panel during the past year has resulted in the recommendation to move to a simpler growth model.

01:51 PM --
Heather O'Mara, Executive Director of Hope Online, spoke in support of the bill, because it clarifies the longitudinal analysis process and makes the growth model more useful for online schools.

01:52 PM --
Bruce Caughey, Deputy Executive Director of the Colorado Association of School Executives (CASE), testified in support of the bill, and asked Ms. Jane Urschel, of the Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB), to join him at the witness table. Mr. Caughey provided a history of the development of the longitudinal analysis model, and the changes that have occurred since House Bill 07-1048 was passed last year. Mr. Caughey explained that the mixed effect model does not go far enough to measure growth, and by striking the mixed effect model language in current law, the technical advisory panel can recommend that the state board use the best possible growth model available. Mr. Caughey commended the technical advisory panel for the hard work they put in on developing the longitudinal analysis model. He also mentioned that in February, CDE will be applying to the federal government for flexibility under NCLB to use the long model as the measure of student progress. Representative Summers asked if there is a name for the new and improved model. Mr. Caughey replied that the model is not yet named.

01:56 PM --
Ms. Urschel, representing CASB, spoke in support of the bill. She stated that this model is helpful for both the schools and individuals being measured.

01:58 PM

Representative Solano, acting as chair, closed testimony for House Bill 08-1024. No amendments were offered to the bill. Representative Merrifield asked for the committee's support for the bill.

TIME: 01:58:44 PM
MOTION:Moved House Bill 08-1024 to the Committee of the Whole, with favorable recommendation. The motion passed on a 12-0 roll call vote.
Gardner C.
Kerr A.

01:59 PM

Representative Fischer announced that the first morning session of the Joint House and Senate Education Committee will be from the CSU Distance Learning Program on Wednesday, January 23. Representative C. Gardner apologized in advance that there are times that he will not be able to attend the joint meetings on Wednesday because the Joint Agriculture Committee also meets Wednesday mornings. Representative Solano stated that she and Representatives Rose and Summers are also members of the Agriculture Committee, and may encounter conflicts on Wednesdays. Representative Todd also mentioned that there is a Joint State Affairs Committee meeting that Wednesday.

02:02 PM

The committee adjourned.