Date: 04/16/2008

BILL SUMMARY for HB08-1007


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

01:45 PM -- House Bill 08-1007

Senator Tapia, prime sponsor, commented on House Bill 08-1007, concerning the modification of statutory provisions enacted by the General Assembly during the 2006 legislative session that impose certain requirements on private toll companies for the purpose of alleviating consequences of those provisions that may affect real property. He said that his intention in introducing House Bill 08-1007 was to relieve property owners who are affected by the title encumbrances resulting from the proposed Prairie Falcon Parkway Express. House Bill 08-1007 was on the committee's calendar for action only. Testimony on House Bill 08-1007 was taken at the committee's meeting of April 9, 2008.


The following person commented on House Bill 08-1007:


Jason Gelender, representing the Office of Legislative Legal Services, walked the committee through the provisions of proposed amendment L.014 (Attachment A.) Senator Cadman said that the Prairie Falcon Parkway Express toll company has never actually owned any of the property in the corridor, but has only encumbered the titles of property in the corridor. Senator Tapia said that he would like to "remove the clouds from these titles," and ensure that there is proper disclosure of the potential for toll road construction to any future purchasers of property in the corridor.

02:23 PM

Senator Windels, acting Chair, laid House Bill 08-1007 over to the end of the committee meeting.