Date: 11/29/2007

Adams State College FY 2008-09 Requests


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08:30 AM -- Adams State College FY 2008-09 Requests

Dr. David Svaldi, President, and Mr. Bill Mansheim, Vice-President of Finance and Administration, both of Adams State College, presented the college's two annual capital construction requests: (1) Richardson Hall Renovation; and (2) Information Technology and Security Plan Update. Dr. Svaldi updated the committee about work completed on the campus in the past year, including work on Plachy Hall and controlled maintenance projects. Dr. Svaldi provided an overview of the Richardson Hall Renovation project and discussed the need for the renovation. Dr. Svaldi expressed concern about the general appearance and upkeep of the dorms and explained that there may be a student fee to help address future projects to update dorms. Mr. Mansheim told the committee that the college also wants to address issues with academic buildings, and the fee from the IT project would be leveraged to help with future projects. Discussion ensued regarding the use of student fees for capital construction, and phasing the college's project to only fund design in FY 2008-09, as suggested by OSPB and CCHE.

08:41 AM

Dr. Svaldi and Mr. Mansheim responded to questions regarding the use of State Historical Fund monies to renovate Richardson Hall. Discussion ensued regarding the impact of seeking alternative funding sources, such as the State Historical Fund, on the design of renovations, and the potential for granting institutions to place restrictions on the renovations. Dr. Svaldi responded to questions regarding the potential for raising funds from sources other than student fees for dorm renovations, such as from alumni.