Date: 09/10/2007

Better Health Care for Colorado


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

11:34 AM - Scott Wasserman, Better Health Care for Colorado

Scott Wasserman, Legislative Director, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), stated he is standing in for Jake Williams. Mr. Wasserman provided background information about SEIU and its mission. Mr. Wasserman provided information about who supports their current proposal, including Wal-mart, American Association of Retired People (AARP), Qwest, and AT&T. Mr. Wasserman stated that despite being the 10th most wealthy state in the country, Colorado has one of the highest populations of uninsured individuals. Mr. Wasserman stated that their proposal does not disrupt the entire insurance/health care market. The main goals of the proposal are to:
  • pull down federal dollars;
  • capitalize on cost saving;
  • directly address the largest population lacking access using market-based competition;
  • create a stronger employer-sponsored insurance market;
  • bring greater consumer choice and responsibility;
  • strengthen Medicaid through improving managed care;
  • expand coverage starting with low income workers and small businesses;
  • utilize a health insurance exchange; and
  • improve long-term care by increasing access to settings that are the least restrictive and most cost effective.

    11:49 AM

    Mr. Wasserman provided some information regarding savings and stated the proposal will reduce the number of uninsured individuals by 40 percent in first year. Representative Reisberg stated that this proposal leaves the highest number of uninsured individuals out of all the proposals. Mr. Wasserman stated that the proposal also costs the least. Representative Swalm stated that all the proposals rely heavily on increased federal dollars, but asked about the reality of more money being available from the federal government for all 50 states. Mr. Wasserman stated that this is the crux of the issue; at this point the money will go to whichever state asks the federal government for it first, and ultimately it will be at the directive of the federal government. Representative Massey stated this proposal is the only one that does not require an individual mandate and asked how not having a mandate will ensure funding as the other proposals assume in part that the financing will come from young and healthy adults. Mr. Wasserman responded that they tried to be realistic when creating this proposal, but there may need to be some kind of mandate in the end.

    12:00 PM
