All Non-Legislators


NameCap PhoneHome Phone
Bahrych, Lee
Briggs, Bob
Brophy, Greg
Butcher, Dorothy
Chavez, Joseoh
Christensen, Ray
Contiguglia, Georgianna
Feeley, Michael
Frangas, Jerry
Hall, Dale
Hite, David
House Agriculture,
House Civil Justice Jud.,
House Criminal Justice,
House Education,
House Health, Environment, Welfare, & Institutions ,
House Information and Technology,
Johnson, Joan303-288-9237
Johnson, Ramey
Jones, Ed
Judd, Joel
Kalenberger, Larry
Keller, Maryanne
King, Dennis
Lee, C.W. 303-985-1346
LeGare, Robert
Lundberg, Kevin
Malinowski, Rick
May, Michael
McCallin, Nancy

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